Wenn sich ein Unternehmen entscheidet, in Ungarn zu investieren, muss es im Wesentlichen seine Denkweise, seine Sprache und seine Kommunikation ändern. Darüber hinaus muss das Unternehmen alle seine Kommunikationsbotschaften je nach dem zu erreichenden Geschäftsziel neu interpretieren und anpassen
Vision, Planung, Entwicklung und Prozesssteuerung sind wesentliche Schritte, um unsere Geschäftsziele zu erreichen und die investierte Zeit und Ressourcen zu optimieren.

Vertrauen Sie dem Team von ITL Marketing und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die beste Kommunikationsstrategie für Ihre Investitionen und Projekte in Ungarn entwickeln.
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Born in Italy in 1967. In 1984 he founded his state-of-art communication company which developed innovative solutions for commercials and online communities. Moved to Budapest in 2000, he launched his own event network of companies and joined ITL Group in 2003 setting the birth of ITL Marketing.
As the head of ITL Marketing for the consultancy firm, he signed successful projects such as the online magazine Economia.hu and the yearly event Budapest Business Party. Creator of the first web communities ever invented in Italy, he was several times awarded and nominated with the Oscar of the web „Il Premio WWW“ by the leading Italian economic newspaper „IlSole 24Ore”.
In 2020 Luigino published an illustrated essay, a collection of thoughts and experiences assembled into a useful formula for those who, armed with curiosity, wish to discover new perspectives for their personal growth: www.winthegame.life As author of the book „IO-How to Win the Game of Life“, he is also currrently active in mentoring and trainings for personal development.