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ITL h2pro: knowledge, growth, awareness

Since 1995 we have been working with passion to transform ideas and concepts into successful companies, because we believe that only via constant training and upskilling efforts can we drive positive changes in today’s world. 

For this reason, relying on us means implementing and developing the best strategy to stay ahead of the game.

ITLH2PRO intends to empower your company by training your team, the oxygen and life of your organization.  


With many years of experience helping businesses grow in Hungary, our qualified specialists will identify the elements of your workflow where you’re losing efficiency and turn them into valuable resources.

In order to have a world-class company you need to count on (what upper management guru Robin Sharma calls an “A+ team”), while it’s necessary to hire A+ players, it’s also crucial to empower them to do great work, coaching them to become dazzling performers and future leaders. This is a key rule to develop a “rock star” culture at your organisation.


From What makes a World class company by Robin Sharma, one of the world’s top leadership experts.

This is why we created 3 areas to upskill your team: Knowledge, Growth, Awareness.

Discover our featured pieces of training for upskilling your team

Innovative skills development, assessment, recruitment, game-based solutions for the global age, with AI technology. Present on over six continents, in 40 countries and used in 12 languages by over 4 million learners and over 10,000 facilitators, it includes about 50 different challenging games.

Accelium is a learn-through-play and scientifically proven methodology for the development of enterprise and personal skills based on online strategy games that leverage AI technologies.

Games provide a fun and enticing experience that promote the free exploration of ideas, so this method will help challenge your organization with disruptive thinking, boost training in an enthusiastic way and bring dynamism to your recruitment and assessment processes.

This methodology is particularly effective when it comes to HR practices.

Accelium Technology EN from Accelium on Vimeo.


Empower your team through full intensive training with our specialized professionals.

Employee training adds:

Value to your organization

cutting cost, reducing inefficiency, and developing the ability to rise above the competition

Value to your employees

improving their skills and letting them earn a certification

Value to your customers

who receive outstanding service from your company


Know-how assessment

Quotation and planning of the training program

Trainings at your company

Evaluation and Optimization


Our FREE CRASH TEST is designed to test your company workflow like in a survival camp.
Our professionals will visit your company and identify any problems at the enterprise in order to teach you how to execute the best solutions to mitigate mistakes and inaccuracies that are resulting in wasted resources.


Our 25 years of experience have shown that there are numerous common mistakes that happen within organizations, but also that every company is different.

Inefficient workflows can cost your company money, time, and quality – and they damage morale.

Our specialized experts will help you reduce such risks to a minimum by providing your team with all the knowledge they need to perform their jobs in the most efficient way possible.

We will design a tailor-made plan to develop, evolve, upskill and optimize how your employees perform (in specific areas where you need to improve) to keep pushing your organization forward. 

We are used to working with employees, mainly on a one-to-one basis to focus on their singular needs and upskilling. Shadowing is another common practice we can provide. 

Our training is available offline and online.



  • Based on our experience
  • Solution-oriented
  • Practical and interactive
  • 100% tailor-made to your needs
  • At your company, or online

Our upskilling trainings


  1. How to issue an invoice and report petty cash 
  2. How to ascribe value to your stock
  3. How to report travel expenses
  4. VAT: what you need to know in your daily work 
  5. VAT: The role of fiscal representative
  6. Adv & marketing from an accounting perspective
  7. Corporate and local taxes: how they apply 
  8. Transfer pricing in practice
  9. Intrastat & environmental tax


  1. Relocation: What you need to know before relocating to Hungary 
  2. Payroll
  3. Talent scout support
  4. Need-to-know laws on employment relationships
  5. GDPR compliance & training
  6. Archiving and storage of payroll documents


  1. Purchasing and leasing law in the agricultural sector
  2. Insolvency
  3. Manager Accountability/Amenability 
  4. Debt Collection
  5. Commercial Contract
  6. Legal translation: documents requiring such versions


  1. Real estate investment: What you need to know before investing in Hungary
  2. Real estate investment: Taxation


  1. Budget and forecast 
  2. Controlling and cash flow


  1. Communication management and team upskilling 
  2. Corporate social media
  3. Hungarian business mindset 


We transform people into Leaders.

 Growth is all about transformation.

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional” – John Maxwell

ITL Group will develop partnership with other specialised players to drive you towards Leadership.
Become a catalyst for change and inspire others: be a Leader.

In collaboration with Accelium, our company offers four main services:

Accelium Pro: Immersive corporate training programs, 360 assessment, Talent / Recruitment, TTT Train the Trainer

Found out more about Accelium training


We transform Leaders into Heroes.

Once Leaders reach the awareness of themselves,  we are committed to providing you the content and resources you need to become your better self

“I intend to Empower and Foster You to Lead your own Destiny.”

Luigino Bottega

We are proud to host in this section the mentoring and seminars of Luigino Bottega, our Head of ITL Marketing. In 2020 he published the book:
IO – How to win at the game of life.
The illustrated essay is a map to finding and fulfilling our inner prophecy to give meaning to our existence.

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