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Ervin László on Evolutionary Sustainability: A Call to Transform Our World


As one of the well-known proponents of sustainability on a global scale, Ervin László clarifies the necessity of adopting a new paradigm that explores the idea of evolutionary sustainability rather than just sustainability. 

Ervin László is a member of Atlas World community as he strongly believes in the importance of the sustainability for a better world.

This article will examine some of the most important takeaways from László’s speech, highlighting the necessity of a radical change in how we live, act, produce, relate, and think in order to secure a peaceful and sustainable future.

Understanding Sustainability: Beyond the Old Paradigm

László challenges the traditional notion of sustainability that primarily focuses on short-term gains, competition, and self-preservation. Instead, he introduces the idea that true sustainability encompasses how we live, act, produce, relate to each other, and, most importantly, how we think. In a world marked by intense competition, he argues that the key to true sustainability lies in cooperation, flexibility, and a collective effort to coexist on our limited earth.

Evolutionary Sustainability: A Paradigm Shift

Evolutionary sustainability is the central idea in László’s message. In his opinion, sustainability should be seen as a continuous, dynamic process of positive change rather than as a static state. Evolution, in this context, implies moving towards integral, coherent, and peaceful systems that adapt and thrive in a sustainable way. By allowing evolution to shape our systems, we ensure not only their sustainability but also their continuous improvement for the better.

Challenges to Sustainability: Overcoming the Inequality Gap

A significant obstacle to achieving sustainability, as highlighted by László, is the growing inequality in resource distribution. He emphasizes how crucial it is to level the playing field for true sustainability because a minority that controls the majority of resources is getting smaller. In a world where financial and natural resources are unequally concentrated, addressing this imbalance becomes crucial for the long-term sustainability of our planet.

The Role of Women in Evolutionary Sustainability

László emphasizes the pivotal role of women in guiding humanity towards evolutionary sustainability. He argues that feminine values, centered around family, community, and nurturing the Earth, bring a unique perspective crucial for building a sustainable future. The need for gender equality becomes not just a social justice issue but a fundamental requirement for creating a coherent, loving, and peaceful world.

Upshifting: Navigating the Critical Curve of Change

László introduces the concept of “upshifting” as a crucial tactic in navigating the curve of change by using an analogy from his experience driving sports cars. Just as in racing, timing and skill are essential, he suggests that humanity must undergo an upshift in its evolution to meet the challenges of our time. This upshift involves a conscious choice to move towards a higher level of cooperation, understanding, and integral development.

The Call to Action: Building a Planetary Family

In conclusion, Ervin László issues a compelling call to action. He urges us to embrace an evolutionary sustainability that goes beyond short-term gains and self-interest. The imperative is to create a planetary family where individuals, societies, and humanity as a whole can coexist peacefully, flourishing together. His optimism lies in the awakening he sees happening globally, with people questioning the status quo and envisioning a better, more sustainable world.

Further Exploration: The Books of Change

For those inspired by Ervin László’s vision, his books, “The Survival Imperative” and “The Great Upshift” offer in-depth exploration and insights. These publications provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges we face and the potential for transformative change. As we navigate the critical curve of our collective journey, these resources serve as guideposts for a sustainable and harmonious future.

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