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A Chat with our Alumni: ITL Group meets Brunilda Qushku

In the thriving world of technology and connectivity, the path from an internship to a dynamic career can be both challenging and rewarding. Today, we delve into the experiences and insights of Brunilda Qushku, a remarkable individual who transitioned from being an intern at ITL Group to her current role as a Marketing Specialist and Sales Development Representative at Actility in Paris.

Embracing the Dual Role in the City of Lights

Brunilda kicks off our conversation by providing a glimpse into her dual role at Actility, a connectivity company specializing in the Internet of Things (IoT). Her journey began with an internship in Paris, where she managed content creation, event coordination, PR, and webinars, offering her a comprehensive understanding of the marketing landscape. Post-internship, she embraced the challenge of a dual role, demonstrating the adaptability and versatility crucial in today’s professional landscape.

The Idea of ITL Alumni: A Community that Connects

Brunilda played a pivotal role in establishing the ITL Alumni community, a platform for building connections and providing ongoing support to former interns. The idea emerged during the challenging times of 2020, marked by the global pandemic. Recognizing the need for a shared space where experiences could be exchanged and a sense of community established, Brunilda, along with her mentor, initiated the ITL Alumni community. This community not only serves as a professional network but also emphasizes the importance of knowledge sharing and community building.

Community Building and Knowledge Sharing

Brunilda reflects on the significance of values such as community building and knowledge sharing. She underscores the importance of connections, inspiration, and the exchange of knowledge within a community. Brunilda believes that sharing experiences and insights creates a stronger network.

The Budapest Chronicles: A challenging internship

Brunilda shares her unique experience of interning in Budapest during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges posed by stringent regulations and curfews, she found solace in the beauty of the city. The absence of tourists allowed her to truly immerse herself in the local environment, creating lasting memories, particularly of the vibrant vegan places she discovered during lunch breaks.

Progress Despite Obstacles: Takeaways from Budapest

Reflecting on her time at ITL and Budapest, Brunilda identifies a significant personal growth area—developing a sense of responsibility. Working remotely during a challenging period instilled in her a strong sense of accountability and organization. These skills, cultivated during her internship, continue to shape her approach to work in her current role in Paris.

Bridging Borders: From Budapest to Paris

Having ventured beyond her home country, Brunilda emphasizes the transformative impact of her Budapest internship on her career trajectory. The experience instilled in her a desire to explore beyond her comfort zone, leading her to Paris. She acknowledges the initial challenges of adapting to a new city and language but credits her Budapest experience for bolstering her confidence and paving the way for further international exploration.

Some Advice for Upcoming Interns

Brunilda concludes with a heartfelt message to aspiring interns, encouraging them to savor every moment of their internship journey. She emphasizes the importance of embracing challenges, maintaining a passion for learning, and adoring the early stages of their professional lives. Brunilda’s advice serves as a beacon for those embarking on their career paths, reminding them to stay curious and determined as they navigate the dynamic world of work.

When we say goodbye to Brunilda Qushku, we celebrate her achievements, the growth she experienced, and the valuable contributions she made to the ITL Alumni community. Her journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of internships, community building, and the pursuit of knowledge in the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry.

You did an internship at ITL Group? Join our Alumni page on LinkedIn!
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