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ITL Audit


Reliable & Trustworthy experts

Customer care

ITL Audit was born in 2010 out of our collaboration with Dóra Szeles, an auditor (IFRS certified) who gained her experience at numerous other international companies.

Our approach as an auditor in Hungary goes beyond simply complying with auditing legislation. For us, in fact, it is essential to collaborate and support customers in a transparent and consistent way.

The numbers in the business world determine whether business activities are going well or not. That’s why it is so important to analyze them effectively and examine their characteristics. Each issue has its own value, history, and source. The task of a good auditor is to extrapolate all of the useful information from the numbers in order to prevent problems and discover new opportunities.

We can provide solutions to our clients where interpretation and contextualisation of IFRS is required, answering questions that arise in practice, whether it is assessing the impact of a new IFRS standard, writing IFRS-based policies or providing expert advice on a specific topic.

If the numbers are not analyzed effectively they can compromise the veracity of the data, which can result in errors. For this reason, the audit process in Hungary is a fundamental step to take to check the progress of your company and for an optimal preparation and analysis of financial statements.

The basis of effective collaboration is most certainly communication, and that’s why our professionals are always at your disposal.


Entering the world of ITL Group gives you the opportunity to choose from business consulting to accounting advisory, tax advice and legal advice, covering aspects related to legislation to avoid the emergence of any problems that may arise, to manage operational, business and tax risks and to explore relevant opportunities.

The basis of effective collaboration is most certainly communication, and that’s why our professionals are always at your disposal.

Each issue has its own value, history and source. The task of a good auditor is to extrapolate all of the useful information from the numbers in order to prevent problems and discover new opportunities

Entrepreneurs can sleep sweet dreams thanks to ITL Audit: their companies are in good hands. A financial report can only be truly verified when a thorough audit is carried out in line with international standards.

A successful and transparent audit also represents a guarantee for suppliers and clients. The rules are the same in Europe. Don’t underestimate a problem until it’s too late! Moreover, transfer pricing laws are extremely severe. We’ll carefully draft your documentation and prepare your internal regulation.

Meet ITL Group’s partner!

Dóra Szeles

ITL Audit Founding Partner

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