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The anniversary logo to celebrate the 25 years of ITL group

25 years represent a remarkable milestone, a moment to be enjoyed and celebrated but also a moment to look back and retrace the path that has been done to remember every effort, fear, passion, error and satisfaction achieved till now in this country.

25 years logo designed by ITL Marketing | To see more: click here

My name is Alessandro Farina. I am an Italian entrepreneur who moved to Hungary about 30 years ago. Many things have changed in these years. It was 1995 when in Budapest I founded ITL Group, a consultancy firm that supports companies, entrepreneurs, managers, CEOs to facilitate their business in Hungary by providing accounting, tax, legal, HR services. We started supporting Italian companies till becoming probably the top-of-mind consulting firm in Hungary for Italian entrepreneurs.

25 years of hard work and passion made it possible for over 500 Client’s companies to grow with their different needs and goals.

The company’s mottos “Your Gateway to Hungary” and “United by Passion for Enterprise” describe the mission of ITL Group and want to convey what the company has done in this quarter of a century. Now we have decided also to make our values public. Our vision has always been based on 3 values: Ethics, Sustainability and Creativity. We call it: the ESC approach. And since we wanted to inspire more entrepreneurs to make these values theirs, our latest project has been the creation of a prize to reward those entrepreneurs to also follow an ESC approach: the Altas Award.

Today, I am proud to share with you the logo we designed to celebrate the 25 years of ITL Group in Hungary.

I would love also to take a moment to thank all of our over 50 professionals that make ITL Group the company I can be proud of.

Alessandro Farina, Founder and Managing Director

This is how Alessandro Farina has presented the new logo of ITL Group, designed to celebrate this important goal, as letter on his personal Facebook.

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