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HR Compliance in Hungary

ITL HR Solutions offers an HR compliance service in Hungary aimed at making companies compliant with current regulations in the field of human resources and managing any problems in a preventive way before they can negatively impact the entire organization.

The work of the ITL HR Solutions team is to minimize the risk of non-compliance, which is why we put our 25 years of experience in the management of issues related to HR compliance in Hungary into play, operating with professionalism and transparency, in compliance and under the constant monitoring of national regulations on the management of human resources.

How does HR compliance work?

HR compliance means taking into consideration the interests of the employer and at the same time respecting the professional standards and rules related to the legislation in force, with particular reference to those governing remuneration, employee bargaining and hiring methods.

Why is HR compliance important in Hungary?

As HR consultants we believe that our task is to ensure compliance with the legislation and to do this it is important that the client’s resources are adequately trained on the issue and that they can therefore fully understand the procedures and obligations deriving from any shortcomings.

Over the years we have always supported companies in achieving full compliance with current legislation, developing an approach that goes beyond the mere labor code, and involving the other divisions of the group, such as Lajos Law Firm for the legal aspects of the regulations, ITL Accounting for accounting management, ITL Payroll for payroll management, and ITL Consulting for company controlling, to pursue 360° compliance.

In addition to providing HR consultancy in Hungary, we can help with RPO and the training process of the client’s human resources managers by transferring know-how in order to consolidate internal compliance policies and procedures.

 In particular, we touch upon the following:

  • Training of human resources managers on procedures and policies that respect compliance
  • Staff training on professional responsibilities to improve their working efficiency and that of the whole company, with a view to achieving sustainable results over time
  • Propose new methods and conditions aimed at improving the entire company organization

Request a free appointment with our HR consultants now!

Our primary objective is to help our Clients to minimize the risks arising in connection with
employment and organizational developments, and help them reduce the costs and required
time interval.

We focus on delivering high-end HR services and superior solutions to our Clients’ Human Resources needs. Our approach is result-driven and highly adaptable ensuring that our Clients receive creative, efficient and timely services.

ITL HR Solutions, with its custom made solutions, increases organizational efficiency and keeps the cost of Human Resources at an optimal level.

Meet our Head of Division

Judit Gráczer

ITL HR Solutions Head of Department

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